How To Use Vision Board To Manifest Anything You Want In Life

What is vision board in manifestation ?

A vision board, also known as a dream board, is a powerful tool used in manifestation to help clarify, concentrate, and maintain focus on specific life goals. It involves creating a visual representation of your dreams and desires by compiling images, words, and other elements that reflect what you want to attract into your life. Here’s a detailed explanation of vision boards and how they work in the context of manifestation:

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a collage of images, words, and other visual elements that represent your goals and aspirations. It can be a physical board made from a corkboard or poster board, or a digital version created using online tools and apps.

Purpose of a Vision Board

  1. Clarify Your Goals: A vision board helps you clearly define your desires and goals by visualizing them.
  2. Stay Focused: It serves as a daily reminder of what you want to achieve, helping you stay focused and motivated.
  3. Enhance Visualization: By seeing your goals regularly, you can better visualize achieving them, which is a key aspect of manifestation.
  4. Boost Motivation: The images and words on your vision board can inspire and energize you to take action towards your goals.

How to Create a Vision Board

1. Set Clear Goals

Before you start creating your vision board, take some time to reflect on what you truly want in different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, finances, personal growth, and travel.

2. Gather Materials

For a physical vision board, you’ll need:

  • A board (corkboard, poster board, or canvas)
  • Magazines, printed images, or photographs
  • Scissors and glue or pins
  • Markers, stickers, and other decorative items

For a digital vision board, you can use tools like Canva, Pinterest, or other graphic design software.

3. Choose Images and Words

Select images and words that resonate with your goals and desires. These can include:

  • Pictures that depict the lifestyle you want
  • Quotes and affirmations that inspire you
  • Symbols or icons that represent your dreams

4. Arrange and Assemble

Arrange your selected items on your board in a way that feels visually appealing and inspiring to you. There’s no right or wrong way to do this—trust your intuition and creativity.

5. Place Your Vision Board

Put your vision board in a place where you’ll see it regularly, such as your bedroom, office, or another personal space. The goal is to keep your aspirations top of mind.

Using Your Vision Board for Manifestation

Daily Visualization

Spend a few minutes each day looking at your vision board. Visualize yourself achieving the goals and living the life depicted on the board. Feel the emotions associated with these achievements as if they are already happening.


Incorporate positive affirmations related to your goals while looking at your vision board. This reinforces the positive mindset needed for manifestation.

Take Action

A vision board is a tool for inspiration, but taking practical steps towards your goals is essential. Use the motivation from your vision board to guide your actions and decisions.

Benefits of a Vision Board

  • Enhanced Clarity: Helps you gain a clearer understanding of your goals and aspirations.
  • Increased Motivation: Keeps you motivated by reminding you of your dreams.
  • Positive Focus: Encourages a positive mindset by focusing on what you want rather than what you don’t want.
  • Manifestation Aid: Supports the manifestation process by aligning your thoughts and emotions with your goals.


A vision board is a visual tool that can significantly enhance the manifestation process by keeping your goals and desires in clear focus. By regularly engaging with your vision board through visualization and positive affirmations, and by taking consistent action, you can align your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors with your aspirations, thereby increasing the likelihood of achieving them.

Does a vision board really work?

A vision board can be an effective tool for helping people achieve their goals, though its effectiveness often depends on the individual and how they use it. Here’s a detailed look at why and how vision boards can work, as well as some of the psychological and practical principles behind them:

How Vision Boards Can Work

1. Clarification of Goals

  • Focus: Creating a vision board forces you to identify and clarify your specific goals and desires. This clarity is the first step toward achieving any goal.

2. Visualization

  • Mental Rehearsal: Regularly visualizing your goals can make them feel more attainable. Athletes and performers often use visualization techniques to enhance their performance.
  • Law of Attraction: Many proponents of vision boards believe in the law of attraction, which suggests that visualizing your goals helps attract the necessary resources and opportunities to achieve them.

3. Positive Reinforcement

  • Affirmations: Seeing your goals daily reinforces positive thinking and helps you maintain focus. Positive affirmations can improve your mindset and motivation.
  • Emotional Engagement: Visual and emotional engagement with your goals can strengthen your commitment to them.

4. Behavioral Activation

  • Motivation: A vision board can serve as a daily reminder of what you’re working towards, boosting motivation and encouraging you to take consistent action.
  • Goal-Setting Theory: According to goal-setting theory, specific and challenging goals, along with appropriate feedback, contribute to higher and better task performance.

5. Subconscious Influence

  • Priming: Regular exposure to the images and words on your vision board can prime your subconscious mind to be more alert to opportunities and solutions related to your goals.

Supporting Evidence

  • Psychological Research: Visualization and mental rehearsal have been shown to enhance performance in various fields, suggesting that visualizing success can positively impact real-world outcomes.
  • Goal-Setting and Planning: Studies indicate that setting specific goals and creating actionable plans are crucial for achieving success. A vision board can help with both by providing a visual representation of your goals and inspiring you to create and follow through with plans.

Practical Tips for Making Vision Boards Effective

1. Be Specific

  • Detailed Goals: Ensure your vision board includes specific and measurable goals rather than vague desires.

2. Regular Interaction

  • Daily Visualization: Spend time each day engaging with your vision board to reinforce your goals and maintain motivation.

3. Action-Oriented

  • Take Action: Use your vision board as a source of inspiration to take concrete steps towards your goals. Manifestation requires both mental focus and practical effort.

4. Update as Needed

  • Reevaluate and Refresh: Periodically review and update your vision board to reflect your evolving goals and achievements.

Limitations and Considerations

While vision boards can be a useful tool, they are not a magic solution. Success also depends on other factors such as:

  • Consistent Effort: Achieving goals requires hard work, perseverance, and adaptability.
  • Practical Planning: Along with visualization, creating detailed plans and setting actionable steps are crucial.
  • Realistic Expectations: Setting realistic and attainable goals is important to avoid disappointment and maintain motivation.


Vision boards can work by helping individuals clarify their goals, maintain focus, and stay motivated. They leverage psychological principles such as visualization, positive reinforcement, and subconscious priming. However, their effectiveness ultimately depends on how they are used in conjunction with practical actions and goal-setting strategies. For many people, vision boards serve as a powerful reminder of their aspirations and a tool to keep their dreams at the forefront of their minds.

Is there science behind vision boards?

Yes, there is scientific research that supports some of the principles behind vision boards, though the boards themselves are often more popular in self-help and motivational contexts. Here are some of the key scientific principles and findings that can explain why vision boards might be effective:

1. Visualization and Mental Rehearsal

Scientific Basis:

  • Neuroscience: Studies have shown that mental rehearsal and visualization activate the same neural pathways as physical performance. When you visualize an activity, your brain sends signals to your body to perform that action, improving the likelihood of actual success.
  • Example: Athletes often use visualization techniques to enhance their performance. Research suggests that imagining the act of performing a skill can improve actual physical performance by reinforcing the neural connections involved.

Application to Vision Boards:

  • Visualization: By regularly visualizing your goals through the images on a vision board, you can strengthen the neural pathways associated with achieving those goals, making them seem more attainable and familiar.

2. Goal-Setting Theory

Scientific Basis:

  • Psychology: Goal-setting theory, developed by Edwin Locke and Gary Latham, posits that specific and challenging goals, along with appropriate feedback, enhance performance.
  • Specificity and Challenge: Clear, well-defined goals are more likely to be achieved than vague ones. The process of creating a vision board encourages specificity by making you define exactly what you want to achieve.

Application to Vision Boards:

  • Clarity and Focus: Vision boards help clarify and focus on specific goals, which aligns with the principles of goal-setting theory. This clarity can enhance motivation and persistence.

3. Priming the Subconscious Mind

Scientific Basis:

  • Priming: Psychological research on priming shows that exposure to certain stimuli can influence subsequent behavior and attitudes. For example, seeing words related to aging can make people walk more slowly.
  • Subliminal Influence: Regular exposure to images and words related to your goals can subconsciously prime you to notice and act on opportunities aligned with those goals.

Application to Vision Boards:

  • Subconscious Influence: By frequently seeing your goals depicted visually, you may unconsciously start to align your actions and decisions with those goals.

4. Positive Thinking and Self-Efficacy

Scientific Basis:

  • Self-Efficacy: Albert Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy refers to an individual’s belief in their ability to succeed in specific situations. Higher self-efficacy is linked to greater motivation and persistence.
  • Positive Psychology: Positive thinking and optimism are associated with better outcomes in various areas, including health, work, and personal achievement.

Application to Vision Boards:

  • Affirmations and Positive Imagery: Vision boards often include positive affirmations and uplifting images, which can boost self-efficacy and foster a positive mindset.

5. Behavioral Activation

Scientific Basis:

  • Action-Oriented: Behavioral activation is a therapeutic approach that focuses on encouraging individuals to engage in activities that are aligned with their values and goals. Taking action is crucial for achieving desired outcomes.

Application to Vision Boards:

  • Inspiration to Act: A vision board serves as a constant reminder of your goals, which can motivate you to take the necessary steps to achieve them.


While vision boards themselves are not directly studied in scientific literature, the principles that underpin them—visualization, goal-setting, priming, positive thinking, and behavioral activation—are well-supported by research. These principles explain why vision boards can be effective tools for enhancing motivation, clarifying goals, and ultimately achieving desired outcomes.

Where is the best place to put a vision board?

The best place to put a vision board is somewhere you will see it regularly and where it will have the greatest positive impact on your daily life. Here are some suggestions and considerations for choosing the ideal location for your vision board:

1. Bedroom

  • Daily Reminder: Placing your vision board in your bedroom ensures you see it first thing in the morning and last thing at night, reinforcing your goals and intentions at the start and end of each day.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Seeing your vision board before you go to sleep can help program your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and goals.

2. Home Office

  • Productivity Boost: If you have a dedicated workspace, placing your vision board there can serve as a motivational tool during your workday, reminding you of your professional and personal goals.
  • Focus: Keeping your vision board in your office can help maintain your focus and drive, especially if your goals are related to career or financial success.

3. Living Room or Common Area

  • Frequent Visibility: Common areas like the living room are places you and your family spend a lot of time. Placing your vision board here can keep your goals front and center throughout the day.
  • Family Goals: If your vision board includes family goals, having it in a shared space can remind everyone of these shared aspirations.

4. Bathroom

  • Morning Routine: The bathroom is a place you visit multiple times a day. Seeing your vision board while you get ready in the morning can set a positive tone for the day.
  • Reflection: It’s a private space where you can reflect on your goals without distractions.

5. Digital Vision Board

  • Phone or Computer Wallpaper: If you create a digital vision board, setting it as your wallpaper on your phone, tablet, or computer ensures you see it multiple times a day.
  • Portable Inspiration: A digital vision board can be accessed anywhere, providing constant motivation and inspiration regardless of your location.

Considerations for Placement

  1. Visibility: Choose a place where you will see your vision board frequently to keep your goals and aspirations at the forefront of your mind.
  2. Privacy: Depending on the personal nature of your goals, you may prefer to place your vision board in a more private area where only you or a select few can see it.
  3. Distraction-Free Zone: Ensure the location allows you to focus on the board without distractions. A cluttered or chaotic environment can detract from its effectiveness.
  4. Positive Energy: Place your vision board in a location that feels positive and uplifting to you. The energy of the surrounding space can influence your mood and motivation.


The best place for your vision board is where you will see it regularly and where it will most effectively remind and motivate you to pursue your goals. Bedrooms, home offices, and common living areas are all excellent choices. Consider your daily routines and personal preferences to find the spot that will best support your manifestation efforts.

Is it OK for people to see your vision board?

Whether or not to allow others to see your vision board is a personal decision and depends on several factors, including your comfort level, the nature of your goals, and the people around you. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Pros of Allowing Others to See Your Vision Board

Accountability and Support

    • Encouragement: Sharing your goals with supportive friends or family can provide encouragement and motivation.
    • Accountability: When others are aware of your goals, it can help keep you accountable and on track.

    Positive Reinforcement

      • Shared Goals: If you have shared goals with family or friends, seeing your vision board can remind everyone of these common aspirations and strengthen collective efforts.
      • Positive Feedback: Receiving positive feedback and support from others can boost your confidence and reinforce your commitment to your goals.

      Inspiration for Others

        • Motivational: Your vision board can inspire others to create their own and pursue their dreams.
        • Shared Vision: In a collaborative environment, such as a team at work, a vision board can align everyone’s efforts toward a common goal.

        Cons of Allowing Others to See Your Vision Board

        Judgment and Negativity

          • Criticism: Not everyone may understand or support your goals, leading to negative comments or criticism that could undermine your confidence.
          • Privacy: Personal goals and aspirations may be sensitive or private, and sharing them could make you feel vulnerable.

          Dilution of Focus

            • Distractions: Explaining and discussing your vision board with others can sometimes distract you from focusing on your goals.
            • External Influence: Others’ opinions and suggestions might influence your goals, potentially leading you away from your true desires.

            Energy and Intention

              • Mixed Energies: Some believe that exposing your goals to others’ energies, especially if they are skeptical or negative, can interfere with the manifestation process.
              • Personal Connection: Your vision board is a personal tool that connects deeply with your own subconscious and intentions. Sharing it might dilute its personal significance.

              Balancing Visibility and Privacy

              Selective Sharing

                • Trusted Circle: Share your vision board with a select group of supportive and trusted individuals who understand and respect your goals.
                • Partial Sharing: Share parts of your vision board that are less personal or sensitive, keeping the more private aspects to yourself.

                Personal Preference

                  • Comfort Level: Consider your own comfort level with sharing your goals. If you feel confident and empowered by sharing, go ahead. If you feel uneasy, it might be best to keep it private.
                  • Goal Nature: Evaluate the nature of your goals. Professional or collaborative goals might benefit from sharing, while deeply personal goals might be better kept private.


                  Ultimately, whether to allow others to see your vision board depends on your personal preferences and the nature of your relationships. Sharing can provide support, accountability, and inspiration, but it also opens the door to potential judgment and negative influence. Consider your comfort level and the specific context of your goals to make the best decision for you.

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